Monday, 25 July 2011

SOMETHING NEW: 'Waking Up Sideways' - Kassidy

There’s enough hair amongst the members of this band that if they were to complete a mass shaving there would be enough hair there to keep Katie Price in extensions for the next five years. But I’m not here to discuss their look. Never judge a book by its cover or a band by its choice of waistcoats and corduroy.

A catchy number from their debut album, Scottish folk band Kassidy are freshly signed yet so far as I’ve heard of their music you could be mistaken for thinking they’d been touring and writing for a lifetime. I’m not too keen on comparing bands but if this song in particular could be categorised, it would be nice and snuggled alongside Mumford & Sons. Group folk harmonies and instantly foot-tapping, sing-a-long chorus’, provide us with that image of singing round the campfire or as we reach the middle eight of oohs and aahs, shouting from a mountain top.
They do however produce a slightly more rockier edge than Mr Mumford and his off-spring, helped along by the rasp of lead singer Barrie James-O’Neill. From its opening guitar we’re treated to a rustic , ‘arms in the air’ song which builds to layer upon layer of what can best be described as some of Scotland’s finest organic goodness. 
From the album Hope.St (2011) / @kassidyuk

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